VHA and COTA Health Announce Service Integration

COTA Health’s rehabilitation services team joined the VHA family to form our newest division: VHA Rehab Solutions.
The integration brought over 400 new staff and service providers to us and expanded our basket of solutions to include: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, dietetics and social work services. It also lands VHA in two new Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) regions: Champlain (Ottawa) and South West (London). We hope to build on these new community connections when the competitive bidding process for CCAC service contracts resumes again.
The integration is one that perfectly aligns with our strategic objectives of:
- Ensuring organizational sustainability, growth and development
- Collaborating to respond to community needs
- Strengthening organizational capacity
- Fostering innovation and excellence
Culturally, the two organizations were already very closely aligned in their vision, mission and values, so the transition process (though not without a few bumps on the road) was a success. Undoubtedly the addition of VHA Rehab Solutions will help us bring more streamlined and seamless services to an even greater number of clients as we constantly seek out innovative ways to deliver comprehensive home care.
As we learn more about each other, we’re also discovering how we can work together to capitalize on efficiencies and more effectively identify and respond to gaps in the system: gaps that often affect those most vulnerable and desperately in need of VHA’s support.