Meet this year’s Spectacular Spirit Surprise winners!

Every year, we strive to spread some holiday cheer to our clients and workers with VHA’s Spectacular Spirit Surprise. Although this year has looked different, we made it our goal to put as many smiles on as many faces as possible! We kicked off the holiday season with a couple of surprises to our clients and workers from a distance. Meet this year’s twelve winners!
David – Client
David’s parents have had a difficult year, and nominator Allyson Hoch knew they deserved something special. We surprised the family with some toys and a meal for the family – watch their heartwarming video below:
Angela Lawrence – PSW
Samantha Patterson thought that Angela could use a surprise this year to lift her spirits. Samantha helped us to surprise Angela with a gift and some flowers at her home!
Onicka Derrell – Coordinator
With the COVID-19 pandemic taking a toll on her and her family, Onicka needed a spectacular spirit surprise – we asked our holiday elves to send her a bouquet of flowers and a gift card to get herself something nice.
Christine – Client Spouse
Christine works hard as a PSW, a mother, and a caregiver for her chronically ill husband. VHA’s Sunita Francis saw that Christine needed a little bit of “me time”, so we put a smile on her face with a meal and some flowers!
Michael Murray – Paeds OT
Michael (pictured on the right) has worked endlessly throughout the past few months to keep his team united and as collaborative as ever. Krista Steinhart and Danielle Brown knew just how hard he was working and decided to surprise him with a food delivery gift card. Now, he can share a meal with his family in Ireland, even virtually.
Steve – Client
Rebecca Jane, one of VHA’s Extreme Cleaners saw that one of her clients, Steve, needed some holiday cheer. We surprised him with a bit of Christmas décor and some warm meals to enjoy during the season.
Lucy Peng – PSW
Despite some health challenges, Lucy always gives her clients as much as she can as a PSW. This year has been especially hard, as Lucy has gone on leave, and Raquel Adecer wanted to give her a little support over this holiday season!
Kristyna Drabinova – CSC Supervisor
Kristyna has been known to be a light in everyone’s life, dedicated to her work, clients, and colleagues. Aleksandra Janik knew just how hard Kristyna works, so we sent our holiday elves to deliver an Ikea gift card that “lights” up her life as well!
Hermyn Pearce – PSW
Barbara Croal knew that Hermyn really needed a pick-me-up this year. We had our elves surprise Hermyn with some flowers and a gift card to put her in the Christmas spirit!
Sidikat – Client
Sarah Chaudhery, one of VHA’s OTs nominated Sidikat to receive a spectacular spirit surprise. A mom of 6 girls, Sidikat needed a little help this season, so we’ve given her a surprise to help with their day-to-day and some food items to bring the family some holiday cheer.
Kerry-Ann – Client
Ann Marie Denny saw that her client, Kerry-Ann could use some holiday cheer – her resilience is amazing, but sometimes you need a nudge to get through the rest. Ann Marie surprised her with a pop of colourful flowers and a gift card.
Eden – Client
Client Eden has faced many challenges this year, and VHA’s Samantha Zapreff saw that Eden needed a pick-me-up. Along with Ann Marie Denny, Samantha and our VHA elves surprised her with a few gifts to help her out this holiday season.
Congratulations to all our Spectacular Spirit Surprise winners!