I am Valued@VHA
Your experience means everything at VHA.
You matter. We care. Here’s how.
I am Growing & Learning
- Ongoing education opportunities
- Flexible digital learning opportunities that suit your schedule
- Support to practice ethically
- Research fellowship opportunities
- Work$mart tuition support for employees
- Nursing competency validation
I am Cared For
- Employee & Family Assistance Program through Inkblot Therapy
- "Refill Your Cup" emotional support resources directory
- Work-life workshops
- Wellness resources
- VHA Emergency Fund
- Employee health benefits
- Childcare reference guide
- Mental health support
I am Safe
- Online community safety tools & tips
- Health & safety policies & procedures
- 24/7 emergency line
- Workplace safety training
- Protect Your Back sessions
- Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees
- Diversity and Inclusion education and training
- Workplace Violence training and reporting
I am Recognized
- Appreciation events
- Years of Service Awards
- Client Choice Awards
- Leadership Awards
- Shout outs
- Team events
I am Connected
- The Loop intranet
- VHA News You Need newsletter
- Mobile Device Support
- Digital Support and Solutions team
I am Empowered
- Ethical Decision Making Framework
- Opportunities to participate on committees and improvement projects
- Preceptorship program to train the next generation of healthcare providers
- Simple Comforts Fund
I am Saving
- Perkopolis
- Goodlife Fitness discount
- Head Start Scholarship
- Caribou referral program
- SmartSaver program
- Mark’s Work Wearhouse discounts
- Rogers phone deals
- The Cooperators home and auto insurance