VHA Home HealthCare (VHA) is always looking for ways to make sure we are delivering the highest quality care to our clients and families. We have a number of initiatives to support these efforts.
Client and Family-Centred Care is an approach to care that focuses on the whole person as a unique individual and not just on their illness or disease. It allows for health care providers to come to know and understand the person’s life story, experience of health, the role of family in the person’s life, and the role they may play in supporting the person to achieve health. – Registered Nurses of Ontario, 2015.
Foundational Values and Beliefs
VHA’s client and family-centred care is driven by the following foundational values and beliefs that guide the work of our dedicated team of care providers:
- Respect
- Human dignity
- Experts in their own life
- Leaders
- Client goals co-ordinate care
- Timeliness
- Consistency & continuity
- Universal access & responsiveness
All VHA staff and service providers are required to apply the following core processes of client and family-centred care:
- Identifying concerns and needs
- Making decisions
- Caring and service
- Evaluating outcomes
VHA wants to engage clients and caregivers in a meaningful way so that we're not just practicing Client and Family-Centred Care, but creating care that's driven by what clients and their families want.
Changing the Conversation
Changing the Conversation is a flexible approach to care. It encourages our staff and service providers to ask questions that trigger conversation to make sure we meet your needs each visit.
Client Bill of Rights
All VHA clients have certain fundamental rights in respect of their VHA services. These rights are enshrined within VHA’s Client Bill of Rights and include:
- Be treated with courtesy and respect and have your culture and lifestyle choices respected
- Understand the service(s) you will receive and any associated risks
- Accept or refuse our services
- Receive safe and reliable services that maximize your independence
- Play an active role in directing your care and setting your goals
- Have your information kept confidential
- Have a friend, family member or other important person present during service or at any meeting with VHA or the VHA provider
- Get information about VHA Home HealthCare’s complaint process and contact VHA with any concerns/complaints
- Have questions answered promptly
- Know the date of your next appointment in advance
- Be informed of any possible costs (e.g., equipment purchase)
See a full list of VHA’s Client Rights and Responsibilities (Download PDF).
VHA's Client Rights and Responsibilities are similar to Ontario Health atHome (formerly Home and Community Care Support Services' - HCCSS) own Patient Bill of Rights. Anyone who is receiving VHA services through Ontario Health atHome are also covered by the Ontario Health atHome Patient Bill of Rights as well as VHA’s Client Bill of Rights. View the Ontario Health atHome Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities (visit page).
VHA provides a Welcome Package to all of our new clients and families to introduce our services and to provide information about our care: Access VHA’s Welcome Package for GTA Clients (Download PDF). Please note that if you are a client in London or Ottawa (under our Champlain Rehab Solutions branch), your Welcome Package may vary slightly based on the services offered in your area.
MyVHA Client Portal