Community-based support for families is where VHA Home HealthCare (VHA) started in 1925, providing homemaking services for families when the mother was ill. Today, we deliver a broad range of in-home, mental health, physical and social services for individuals and families in urgent need. Through a committed team of caring professionals and our extensive community networks, we offer a continuum of supports through five service areas.
VHA’s Responsive Community Care team members are...
- Compassionate professionals who meet people where they are, offering non-judgmental, skilled care and understanding
- Skilled in strategies to de-escalate situations and to work with clients who are living with dementia or with mental health challenges impacting their independence
- Passionate about making a positive difference in our clients’ lives

The 5 Service Areas of Responsive Community Care
Safer Spaces:
Hoarding Support
For those who need help regaining control of clutter and hygiene in their homes, who may be at risk of eviction.
Restored Home:
Extreme Cleaning
For those who need to regain control of their living space and their life so they can remain safely in their homes.
Connected Families:
Parenting Support
For families where mental health, illness, isolation and low income place parents and their children at risk.
Respite and Renew:
Caregiver Support
For caregivers of people living with dementia or chronic illness.
Helping Hands:
Home Support for Families
For families with young children with a parent who is recovering following a hospital discharge, medical emergency or other crisis.
VHA Responsive Community Care in the news
Toronto Star: How one woman reclaimed her space and peace of mind by decluttering

Every Moment Matters: Celebrating the Volunteers of VHA Home HealthCare

Unique Wrap-Around Services to Help Vulnerable York Region Residents at Risk of Eviction and Homelessness

London Free Press: Advocates, fire officials eye dangers as hoarding cases in London keep rising

Connect with our Responsive Community Care team today to learn how we can help you.