Empowered Every Day: Spotlight on Leadership Awardee Amber Lucas

The VHA Leadership Award is an annual recognition program to further build and strengthen VHA’s culture of leadership excellence by recognizing individuals at all levels who demonstrate impactful leadership.
Amber Lucas, Care Team Clinical Lead, is a Leadership Award recipient in the Empowered Every Day category. Awardees in this category raise the bar for themselves and others around them and embody a “can-do” spirit that is infectious to others. They pay it forward by taking a coach approach to leadership, passing on their knowledge and expertise to others, and challenging others to push to become the best possible version of themselves.
As one nomination for Amber notes, “ Amber consistently seeks opportunities to coach and mentor. As a health care professional and clinical leader, she strives to go above and beyond to share her knowledge and expertise, whether it’s through formal training sessions or one-to-one support. Her commitment to helping her colleagues grow is evident in the efforts she spends supporting her team, volunteering her time to facilitate training sessions, encouraging them to push their limits strive to constantly improve. Her role as a Clinical Lead has been particularly impactful for onboarders and learners, who often cite her support as a key factor in their successful integration and development within the team.”
We sat down with Amber to learn more about her approach to leadership and her journey at VHA so far.
VHA: You’ve been selected in the category “Empowered Every Day.” Congratulations! Could you tell us what being empowered every day at VHA means to you?
Amber: Being empowered every day at VHA means that I have the resources and support to make the best possible decisions for my clients and colleagues. I am able to lead by example and continue to grow as a healthcare professional while encouraging and supporting my colleagues in their own journeys.
VHA: What motivates you to do the work that you do?
Amber: The motivation to work in healthcare is something I experience every day. It’s impossible to list all the moments and emotions that make me fall in love with my work over and over again. Seeing a client feel safe and comfortable with their care, the relief in a family member’s eyes when they realize they are not alone in caring for their loved one, hearing about how much a client loves their psw and seeing that relationship…these are just a few of the moments that fill my bucket day after day.
VHA: Could you tell us about an achievement, inside or outside of work, that you’re proud of?
Amber: My greatest achievements are my children Isabella, Charlotte and Ronan. Watching these amazing little humans grow into themselves and discover who they are is the blessing of my life. I couldn’t be prouder of the individuals that they are.
VHA: When you look back on your journey at VHA so far, could you tell us about a moment or situation that stands out where you learned something that changed your perspective? This can be anything- big or small!
Amber: The relief in a caregiver’s eyes when they realize they are not alone, we are here to help is the moment that changes me every time. VHA has given me my first experience at setting up support in the community, and I will never forget the first time a caregiver broke down crying with relief in front of me. It was the moment I really realized how vital, how important, and how absolutely beautiful community work is. It is an absolute honour to be a part of helping to keep a person in their home, helping them remain as independent as possible, and providing the autonomy and dignity that our client’s deserve.
VHA: There’s no doubt that a huge part of being a leader is teamwork. Do you have any advice for how to build that connection and trust?
Amber: Being a leader means being part of the team. I try to create relationships with my colleagues that are a comfortable and safe space. I try to do this by ensuring that everyone knows their opinions, advice and experiences are valued and an asset. Healthcare is truly a lifelong education process, and I have learned so much from my team just by listening to what they have to say. Having those open conversations really are key to building a relationship based on trust and respect!