Keeping Each Other Safe: A Message from VHA’s Vice President of Client Services

Greetings. My name is Barbara Cawley, Vice President of Client Services at VHA Home HealthCare.
I have had the opportunity to hear from many of you in my role overseeing all of our personal support, nursing, rehab and community support services at VHA and as Co-chair of VHA’s Client and Carer Advisory Group. I know this pandemic, and particularly this second wave, is causing significant hardships for many. I would like to reassure you that VHA remains open during the lockdowns currently taking place in Toronto and Peel regions and that we are continuing to do all we can to provide necessary care as safely as possible.
Public Health procedures have evolved as the situation has changed and as we have all learned more about COVID-19. That is why we are now asking all clients, and all family members who are present during the provision of care, to wear a mask during all care visits, particularly when care is being provided in close contact, within 2 metres or 6 feet. We understand there are some clients who cannot tolerate a mask because of their medical condition, and of course care will not be withheld if a client is unable to wear a mask. If a client does not have a mask, VHA staff and service providers can provide one and will ask the client or family to obtain a mask for future visits. Masks can be purchased at most pharmacies and at many other locations including online retailers.
Thank you for your cooperation and your support of VHA staff and service providers.
Be well.
Barb Cawley
Vice President, Client Services