Wearing PPE in Home Care? This video from VHA shows you the right steps

In this video, we review the proper steps for screening clients for COVID-19 symptoms and taking the appropriate measures to put on and remove personal protective equipment (PPE) based on the latest infection prevention guidelines for home and community care.
Narrator: In this video we’ll review the proper steps for screening the client for COVID-19 symptoms and taking the appropriate measures to put on and remove personal protective equipment also known as PPE based on a scenario. In the first video we will see a demonstration for screening the client by phone ahead of time and what PPE to wear when they screen negative.
Screening ahead of time by phone is preferred so you know ahead of the visit what PPE you will need to wear.
Don’t forget to change your cloth mask for a surgical mask while storing your cloth mask safely in its own bag or container for later.
When a client screens negative, you may proceed with just wearing your universal mask and eye protection along with any other routine precautions based on the activities you are doing and risk of bodily fluids/
After care is completed, PPE must be safely removed in the correct order with hand hygiene properly performed. Let’s watch.
Proper hand hygiene before you touch the PPE near your face is essential.
In this case the client already has a garbage bin near the door. This is important so you can remove your PPE at the door before you leave.
Remember to disinfect your reusable eye protection starting with the inside and then outside. It should be visibly damp and be allowed to air dry for the minimum recommended time on the product package.
In this second video we will see a demonstration for screening the client in person and what PPE to wear when they screen positive.
When screening in-person make sure there is a distance of at least six feet between you and the client at all times.
When the client screens positive, four-point PPE for the contact droplet precautions are required. This includes your surgical mask, eye protection, gloves and protective gown. If your client does not have a surgical mask of their own please provide one from your supply.
If your client does not already have a garbage bin near the exit request this for when you remove PPE at the end of the visit.
After care is completed PPE must be safely removed in the correct order with hand hygiene properly performed. Let’s watch.
Make sure that you remember to perform hand hygiene after removing gloves and in between removal of each piece of PPE.
When removing the gown folding the dirty side on itself and rolling it up to discard is best practice.
When you are ready to leave you may have already changed back into a cloth mask. At this point ensure a safe distance of six feet between you and the client on your way out.