VHA Research
Academic Productivity
VHA Research
Academic Productivity
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Nizzer S, Moreira NA, Mohammed ETCL, et al. (2025). Workplace Challenges and Support Needs Experienced by Nurse Leaders in Home and Community Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study. INQUIRY. 2025;62. doi:10.1177/00469580251329794
Zagrodney, K. A. P., Jaffe, R., McKay, S. M., Mangal, K., Van Belle, T. A., Nichol, K. A., & King, E. C. (2025). Scheduling, Income, and School Closures: Unlocking the Key Drivers of Home Care Personal Support Unplanned Absences Through Time-to-Event Regression Analysis. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/07334648251316973
Bruno, F., Nizzer, S., Moreira, NA., Martin, T., King, EC & McKay, SM. (2024). Developing and Retaining Homecare Nurses Through Employer-Based Tuition Assistance Programs: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Community Health Nursing. DOI: 10.1080/07370016.2024.2314077
Connelly DM, Garnett A, Prentice K, Hay ME, Guitar NA, Snobelen N, Smith-Carrier T, McKay SM, King EC, Calver J, & Sinha S (2024). Resilience for working in Ontario Home and Community Care: Registered Practical Nurses need the support of themselves, family and clients, and employers. BMC Journal of Health Services Research. doi:10.1186/s12913-024-11635-3
Connelly, D. M., Guitar, N. A., Garnett, A., Smith-Carrier, T., Prentice, K., Calver, J., King, E., McKay, SM, Pearson D., Sinha, S., & Snobelen, N (2024). A Leave of Absence Might Not Be a Bad Thing: Registered Practical Nurses Working in Home Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Home Health Care Management and Practice. doi.org/10.1177/10848223241232408
Edwards B, Perera E, King EC, McKay SM, Ruco A. (2024). Enhancing Physical Activity Recommendations to Support Cognition in Homecare: A Quality Improvement Project. Home Health Care Management and Practice. DOI: 10.1177/10848223241247837
Howe, A., Tan, J., Khan, R., Li, A., Edwards, B., King, EC., Nizzer, S., Gohar, B., Yazdani, A., Bani-Fatem, A., Chattu, V., Sinclair, L., Kay, M., Nowrouzi-Kia, B. (2024). The effects of occupational and mental stress among home care rehabilitation professionals working during the COVID-19 pandemic: An exploratory qualitative study. Home Health Care Management and Practice. DOI: 10.1177/10848223231225246.
Kalles EA, King EC, Holyoke P (2024). How High Performing Personal Support Workers Set and Maintain Boundaries When Providing Care: A Case Study in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Applied Gerontology. doi:10.1177/07334648241263500.
King EC, Chan J, Benn A, Van Belle TA, Michener M, McKay SM. (2024). Shifting the Safety Culture: Evaluation of a Novel Approach to Understanding and Responding to Workplace Harassment and Violence Experienced by Homecare Workers. Workplace Health & Safety. DOI: 10.1177/216507992412321.
King EC, Van Belle TA, Zagrodney KAP, McKay SM, Giosa J, Holubiec I, Holness DL, Nichol KA. (2024 - accepted) Factors influencing Self-reported Facial Protective Equipment adherence amongst Home Care Nurses and Personal Support Workers – A multi-site study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Nizzer, S., Baliga, S., McKay, S. M., Holness, D. L., & King, E. C. (2024). Sustaining a Workforce: Reflections on Work from Home and Community Care Nurses Transitioning out of the COVID-19 Pandemic. SAGE Open Nursing, 10, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/23779608241264162.
Nowrouzi-Kia B, King EC, Edwards B, Nizzer S, Yazdani A, Gohar B, Bani-Fatemi A, Howe AS, Fayyaz Y, Alam B, Khan R, Chattu VK (2024). Burnout and occupational stress of home care rehabilitation professionals transitioning out of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. doi: 10.1177/03080226241269251.
Rand M, Pelchat J, Levine IC, Montgomery RE, Greene RM, King EC, Pong SM, Novak AC (2024). Efficacy of installation of temporary bathing transfer aids by older adults. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. DOI: 10.1177/23337214241237119.
Senthinathan A, Tadrous M, Hussain S, Ahmad A, Chu C, Craven C.B, Jaglal SB, Moineddin R, Cadel L, Noonan VK, Shepherd J, McKay SM, Tu K, Guilcher SJT (2024). COVID-19 and Mortality in the Spinal Cord Injury Population: Examining the Impact of Sex, Mental Health, and Injury Etiology. Healthcare.
Senthinathan A, Tadrous M, Mmath SH, McKay SM, Moineddin R, Chu C, Jaglal SB, Shepherd J, Cadel L, Noonan VK, Craven BC, Tu K, Guilcher SJT. (2024). Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on homecare services among individuals with traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord. DOI: 10.1038/s41393-024-00999-2
Shaw J, Nizzer S, McKay S. (2024). Technology, Aging and Home and Community Care: Picking the Right Problems to Solve. Healthcare Papers. doi:10.12927/hcpap.2024.27400
Van Belle TA, King EC, Roy M, Michener M, Hung V, Zagrodney KAP, McKay SM, Holness DL, Nichol KA. (2024) Factors influencing nursing professionals’ adherence to facial protective equipment usage: A comprehensive review. American Journal of Infection Control. DOI: /10.1016/j.ajic.2024.04.006
King EC, Zagrodney KA, McKay SM, Holness DL, Nichol KA. (2023). Determinants of nurse's and personal support worker’s adherence to facial protective equipment in a community setting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: A pilot study. Am J Infect Control. 2022:S0196-6553(22)00577-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.07.021
King EC, Zagrodney KAP, Rabeenthira P, Van Belle TA, McKay SM (2023) Why did home care Personal Support service volumes drop during the COVID-19 pandemic? The contributions of client choice and Personal Support Worker availability. Health Services Insights. DOI: 10.1177/11786329231210692
Marani H, Allin S, McKay S, Marchildon P. (2023). The financial risks of unpaid caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a self-reported survey in a Canadian jurisdiction. Health Services Insights, 16. DOI:10.1177/11786329221144889
McKay S, Konan M, Tedesco S, Turriff T, Michener M, King EC. (2023). Optimizing weekend schedules in home health care: The Essential Care on Weekends for Personal Support Quality Improvement Project. Home Healthcare Management & Practice, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/10848223231183091
McKay S, Mohammed E, Roy M, Hung V, Wong M, Lum B, King EC. (2023). Is 911 The Answer? A retrospective review of emergency medical service use by home care providers. Health Services Insights, DOI: 10.1177/11786329231178767
Moattari M, King EC, Ruco A. (2023) Whole versus hole: Enabling community nurses to implement holistic wound care. Journal of Wound Care. DOI: 10.12968/jowc.2023.32.11.748
Nizzer S, Ruco A, Moreira N, Holness DL, Nichol KA, King EC, McKay S. (2023). “You have to be careful about every detail”: How the COVID-19 pandemic shaped the experiences of Canadian personal support workers working in home care. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002911
Saragosa M, Nizzer S, McKay S, Kuluski K. (2023). The hospital-to-home care transition experience of home care clients: an exploratory study using patient journey mapping. BMC Health Services Research. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-023-09899-2
Saragosa M, Zagrodney KAP, Rabeenthira P, King EC, McKay SM (2023) How might we have known? Using administrative data to predict 30-day hospital readmission in clients receiving home care services from 2018 to 2021. Health Services Insights. DOI: 10.1177/11786329231211774
Senthinathan A, Tadrous M, Hussain S, Craven B. C, Jaglal S, Moineddin R, Shepherd J, Cadel L, Noonan V, McKay S, Tu K, Guilcher S. (2023). Examining the impact of COVID-19 on health care utilization among persons with chronic spinal cord injury/dysfunction: a population study. Spinal Cord, doi: 10.1038/s41393-023-00930-1
Zagrodney, K.A.P., King E.C., Simon D., Nichol K.A., McKay S.M. (2023). A good investment: Expanding capacity to care for older adults in the home and community care sector through increased Personal Support Worker wages. Canadian Journal on Aging. doi: 10.1017/S0714980823000557
Zagrodney KAP, King EC, Mohammed ETCL, Nichol KA, Holness DL. (2023). Occupational Hand Dermatitis in HealthCare: Development and Evaluation of an Online Training E-module. Dermatitis. doi:10.1089/derm.2023.0012
Zagrodney KAP, King EC, Simon D, Nichol KA, McKay S. (2023). Economic Evidence in Support of Home and Community Care Sector Investment: The Case for Ontario Personal Support Workers Wage Parity. HealthCare Policy. DOI: 10.12927/hcpol.2023.27161
Keilty K., Chu S., Balibi A., Wong M., McKay S. (2022). Case Study: Achieving “Hands-On” Practice for Remote Family Caregivers and Homecare Nurses of Children with Medical Complexity. Nursing Leadership. https://doi.org/10.12927/cjnl.2022.26754
King EC, Zagrodney KAP, McKay SM, Holness DL, Nichol KA. (2022). Determinants of nurse's and personal support worker's adherence to facial protective equipment in a community setting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: A pilot study. American Journal of Infection Control. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2022.07.021
Levine IC, Lau ST, King EC, Novak AC. (2022). Consumer perspectives on grab bars: A Canadian national survey of grab bar acceptability. Frontiers in Public Health 10:915100 doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.915100
McKay S, King E, Nichol K. (2022). Create and Sustain a Culture of Curiosity: A Case Study of a Large Home Care Organization in Toronto, Canada. HealthCare Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.12927/hcq.2022.26940
Ruco, A., Nichol, K., Edwards, B., Roy, M., Morgan, D., Holness, D. L., & McKay, S. (2022). Spot It, Prevent It: Evaluation of a Rapid Response Algorithm for Managing Workplace Violence Among Home Care Workers. Workplace health & safety. https://doi.org/10.1177/21650799221110891
Ruco A, Pinto AD, Ho JW, Nisembaum R, Bellicoso E, Hassen N, Hanna A, Muntaner C, Holness DL. (2022). Collecting occupation and hazards information in primary care using O*NET. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23420
Zagrodney KAP, King EC, Nichol KA, Holness DL. (2022). Occupational Dermatitis – What’s New. OOHNA Journal
Jensen M, Junod C, Fatemi N, Liew K, Ulaj E, Bean C, Nixon SA, McKay S. (2021). Navigating the Grey Zone of Physiotherapy Assistant Autonomy in Home Care: Perspectives of Physiotherapists and Physiotherapy Assistants. Physiotherapy Canada. https://doi.org/10.3138/ptc-2021-0003
Marani H, McKay SM, Marchildon G. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on the organization of personal support work in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Long Term Care. https://doi.org/10.31389/jltc.70
McGilton K, Vellani S, Krassikova A, Robertson S, Irwin C, Cumal A, Bethell J, Bronskill S, Burr E, Keating, M, McKay S, Nichol K, Puts M, Singh A, Wodchis W, Sidani S. (2021). Understanding transitional care programs for older adults who experience delayed discharge: A Scoping Review. BMC Health Services Research. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02099-9
Ruco A, Nichol K, Morassaei S, Bola R, Di Prospero L. (2021). Supporting discovery and inquiry: A Canadian hospital’s approach to building research and innovation capacity in point-of-care health professionals. Quality Management in Healthcare Journal. https://doi.org/10.1097/qmh.0000000000000294
Downey S, McKay S, Feng P. (2020). Towards Value in an Integrated Care Environment: Early Lessons from an Ontario Health Team. Healthcare Papers. 2020 Feb 29;19(1):11-8. https://doi.org/10.12927/hcpap.2020.26159
Gordon D, McKay S, Marchildon G, Bhatia RS, Shaw J. (2020). Collaborative Governance for Integrated Care: Insights from a Policy Stakeholder Dialogue. International Journal of Integrated Care, 2020; 20(1): 3, 1-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.4684
Kim B., McKay S., Lee J. (2020). Consumer-Grade Wearable Device for Predicting Frailty in Canadian Home Care Service Clients: Prospective Observational Proof-of-Concept Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020. https://doi.org/10.2196%2F19732
Nizzer S, Ryan S, McKay SM. (2020). The little things: Exploring perceptions and experiences of client and family-centred care through photovoice. Patient Experience Journal. 2020; 7(1):31-43. doi: 10.35680/2372-0247.1368.
Plummer C, Ruco A, Smith KA, Chandler J, Ash P, McMillan S, Di Prospero L, Nichol K. (2020). Building capacity in health professionals to conduct quality improvement: evaluation and insights from a collaborative multi-organizational program. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. https://doi.org/10.1097/ncq.0000000000000520
Bethell J., Puts M., Sattar S., Andrew M., Clarke B., Cowan M., DeAngelis C., Elliott J., Fitch M., Frank C., Hominick K., Keatings M., McElhaney J., McKay S., Pitters E., Ploeg J., Sidani S., & McGilton K. (2018). The Canadian Frailty Priority Setting Partnership: Research priorities for older adults living with frailty. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 22(1), 23-33. https://doi.org/10.5770/cgj.22.336
Duncan A., Guan Q., Senthinathan A., Wojtak A., Seddon G., & McKay S. (2018). The economics of home safety assessments: How researchers used existing research data to complete an economic evaluation. Occupational Therapy Now, 20(4), 18-20.
Nichol K., McKay S., Ruco A., & Holness D.L. (2018). Testing the Hand Dermatitis Screening Tool in the Home Health Care Sector. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 30(4), 179-186. DOI: 10.1177/1084822318780012
Pauley T., Gargaro J., Chenard G., Cavanaugh H., & McKay S. (2016). Home-based diabetes self-management coaching delivered by paraprofessionals: A randomized controlled trial. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 35(3-4), 137-154. doi:10.1080/01621424.2016.1264339
Shaw J., Bastawrous M., Burns S., & McKay S. (2016). System issues leading to ‘found on floor’ incidents: A multi-incident analysis. Journal of Patient Safety, 00(00), 1-6. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000294
Shaw J., Glenns B., Kierney C., & McKay S. (2016). Interprofessional Team Building in Palliative Home Care Setting: Use of a Conceptual Framework to Inform a Pilot Evaluation. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(2): 262-264. doi:10.3109/13561820.2015.1115395
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Health System Impact Fellowship. Implementation of a Medication Reminder Technology for Home Care Clients through Journey Mapping Ilgar A., McKay S., Chignell M.
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease Subgrant - A restorative approach to workplace safety: Literature review and framework development. King EC, Nizzer S, Moreira N, McKay SM, Holness DL. (principal investigator)
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease Subgrant - Development of Training to Support Personal Support Workers’ Management of Boundaries in Homecare. King EC, Nizzer S, Kalles EA, McKay SM, Holness DL. Subgrant (principal investigator)
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease Subgrant - Workplace Violence and Harassment Reporting and Response Practices in Home and Community Care: An Exploratory Chart Review. Nizzer S, King EC, Mohammed ETCL, Sidhu P, McKay SM, Holness DL. (principal investigator)
CIHR Project Grant - Structuring Personal Support Practice using the Observe, Coach, Assist and Report (OCAR) Framework to Enhance Provider Inclusion in Team-Based Person-Centred Home Care., Giosa JL, Saari ME, Lefebre N, Holyoke P, Kalles EA, King EC, McKay SM, Mitchell L, Prentice D, Zagrodney KAP, Calver J, Constantineau S, Davidson S, Downey P, Durocher B, Schwartz T, Vansickle J, Wauchope L, Wong M. (co-investigator)
Diabetes Canada “Reducing health disparities in diabetes-related amputations through community-based foot screening: Using an evidence-informed education program for prevention and early management of diabetes-related foot complications. Principal investigator: Woods N. Co-Applicants: Ng S, Cobbing S, Rac V Collaborators: Andoniou E, Absulwasi M, Hei-Ching K, Hassan S, Hodges B, McKay S.
WeRPN: Registered Practical Nurses of Ontario - RPN leaders’ experiences of managing and responding to workplace violence and harassment in home and community care: A mixed methods study. Nizzer S, King EC, McKay SM, Washington P, Van Belle T, Noblefranca H, Perez M, Benn A, Wong M, Vigoda D (principal investigator)
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board - Occupational hand dermatitis e-learning adaptation and evaluation for the food services sector. King EC, Holness DL, Kapoor K, Van hulle H, Nichol KA. (principal investigator)
CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants - Institute Community Support. Working Together to Meet the Needs of Older Adults Living in NORCs: Exploring the Intersection of Equity, Technology and Aging in Place. Saragosa M., Cullen M., Ho M., Jeffs L., Kokorelias K., Kuluski K., Ludwig Prout B., McKay S., Nickell L., Quon D., Singh H, Steele Gray C., Tang T., Nelson M. (co-investigator)
CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant - Advancing an Equity-first Research Agenda in an East Toronto Ontario Health Team. Shearkhani S, Smith K, Powis J, Altenberg J, McKay SM, Wang A, Wojtak A, Wright S, Istanboulian L, Bourne L, King EC, Rashed R, Quon D. (co-investigator)
Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Seed Grant - Providing real-time feedback to reduce lumbar spine flexion for Personal Support Workers: A PostureCoach pilot field study. Dutta T, Dadkhah D, King EC. (co-investigator)
TD Community Health Solutions 2023 Research Grant - Association between enrolment in the winter Surge initiative and rates of repeated emergency department visits at Michael Garron Hospital. Shearkhani S, Smith K, King EC, Shabani M, Quan D, Martin T. (co-investigator)
Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Seed Grant - Passive Exosuits for Home Health Care: A feasibility study with point-of-care home care providers. King EC, Brookman C, Meszaros K. (principal investigator)
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease Subgrant - Factors influencing the mental wellbeing of Home Care Nurses. Van Belle, King EC, Nizzer S, Zagrodney K, McKay SM, Holness DL. (principal investigator)
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease Subgrant - A Qualitative Exploration of Factors Influencing Job Attachment for Personal Support Workers in a Post-Pandemic Landscape. Nizzer S, King EC, Moriera N, McKay SM, Holness DL. (principal investigator)
WeRPN: Registered Practical Nurses of Ontario - Amplifying RPN Nurse Leadership: Emotional Support Practices in the Home and Community Care Sector. Nizzer S, Amankwah D, King EC, McKay SM, Owusu-Mensah C, D'Souza J. (principal investigator)
WeRPN: Registered Practical Nurses of Ontario. An analysis of an Educational Bridging Program targeting growth in the nursing workforce within Ontario home and community care and long-term care home settings. Connelly, D (PI)., Guitar, N., Prentice, K., Garnett, A., Smith-Carrier, T., Smye, V., Pearson, D., Sun, W., Calver, J., McKay, S., King, E., & Ali, S. (co-investigator)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Health Research Training Platform. Early Professionals Inspired Careers -Assistive Technology (EPIC-AT): Innovators of Tomorrow Health Research Training Platform in AgeTech. Mihailidis A., Bier N., Choukou A., Freeman S., Hadjistravropoulos T., Kobayashi K., Stern B., Sveistrup H., Tamblyn R., Warner G., Yadollahi A., Aghvami S., Astell A., Barsky M., Bryanton O., Gallant N., Hebert P., Juzwishin D., Khan S., Komisar V., McKay S., McNeil C., Sellen K., Sixsmith A., Urbanowski R. (co-applicant)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Project Grant. Transitional care programs: Evaluation of performance and patient-oriented outcomes. McGilton K & Sidani S Bethell J, Guilcher S, Kuluski K, McElhaney J, McKay SM, Puts M. (co-investigator)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Operating Grant. Examining the impact of COVID-19 on acute episodes of care and health care utilization among persons with spinal cord injury: A population-based administrative health data study. Guilcher SJT, Tu K., Jaglal SB, Craven BC, Moineddin R, Shepherd J, Noonan V, McKay S, Cadel L. (co-applicant)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Project Grant. Informing bathroom surface friction interventions to improve mobility and reduce falls. Novak AC, King EC, Levine IC, McKay SM, Siegmund G, Elkin B, Liu A. (co-investigator)
Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Seed Grant - Investigation of Safe and Feasible Alternatives to Two-Person Transfers. King EC, Brookman C, Ritcey S, Bastos S, Zeismann F (principal investigator)
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease - Homecare nurse leaders’ experience and attitude toward working and emotional support needs during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Qualitative study. Nizzer S, King EC, McKay SM, Holness DL. (principal investigator)
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease - Home care nurses’ experience and attitudes toward work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nizzer S, King EC, McKay SM, Holness DL. (principal investigator)
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease - A two-site study of factors influencing Facial Protective Equipment use by Rehabilitation Providers in Home Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic. King EC, Giosa JL, Zagrodney KAP, McKay SM, Nichol KA, Holness DL. (principal investigator)
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease. Field testing anti-fogging solutions for goggles and face shields. King E, Ameer H, McKay S, Nichol K, Holness L.
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease. Who meets homecare workers’ emotional support needs? Nizzer S, Moreira N, King E, McKay S, Nichol K, Holness L.
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease. Charting a path forward for occupational disease prevention in the home care and community support sectors: A stakeholder symposium. King E, McKay S, Nichol K, Holness L.
Public Health Agency of Canada Immunization Partnership Fund. PSW-led vaccine education for PSWs: A coalition to rebuild trust and support informed choice Woods N., Ng S., McKay S., Barned C., Goldenberg M., Alibi C. (co-investigator)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Health System Impact Fellowship. Examining the Care Transition Experiences of Home Care Clients through Journey Mapping Saragossa M., McKay S., Kuluski K. (primary advisor)
TD Community Health Solutions Fund COVID-19 Research Grant Competition 2021 – Virtual COVID-19 Recovery Pathway (VICORPA). Fraser, I., Istanboulian, L., Smith C., Scrivener A., Bean C., McKay S. (co-investigator)
Future Skills Centre Shock-proofing the Future of Work. Future-proofing the PSW workforce: Toward confidence, competence and resilience. Ng S., Woods N., McKay S., Paul R., Aiyadura R., Rojas D., Bulmer B., Morey-Hollis M., Tassone M. (co-investigator)
WeRPN Academic Research Grant Program. Building a sustainable supply of home care RPNs through employer-based education assistance. Bolongaita L, King E, Flecker K, Mehboob F, Uzelac D, Martin T, McKay S. (co-investigator)
eCampus – Virtual learning Strategy. Adapting the CACE Homecare Curriculum for pre-licensure health and social care students. Ng S., Woods N., McKay S., Paul R., Aiyaduria D., Lising D. (co-investigator)
Centre for Research Excellence in Occupational Disease and Disorders. Pilot Study Grant – Homecare PSW Attitudes towards working during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. Ruco A., Nizzer S., Holness L., King E., McKay S., Nichol K. (co-investigator)
Registered Nurses’ Foundation of Ontario Nurse Innovator Award. Connected Care on the Go. Keilty K, Chiu S., Wong M., McKay S. (co-investigator)
Centre for Research Excellence in Occupation Disease and Disorders. Factors influencing Facial Protective Equipment use by Home Care Workers during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. Nichol K., Holness L., McKay S., King E., Zagrodney K. (co-investigator)
Ryerson University Fast Funding for COVID 19 Science. The impact of Covid-19 on pediatric home care practices for children with medical complexity: Policy recommendations and practice guidelines. LeGrow K., Espin, S., McKay S., Cohen E., Keilty K., Spalding K. (co-investigator)
WSIB Grants Program – Occupational Hand Dermatitis in Healthcare – Development and evaluation of an online learning and self-screening program. Nichol K, Holness DL, Copes R.
Canadian Centre for Aging in Brain Health Innovation Spark Innovation Challenge. Staying Connected: Using Technology to Support Healthy Community Living for Persons Living with Dementia. McKay S., Nichol K., Jaffar N.
East Toronto Health Network – Winter Surge: Maintaining Critical Capacity. Evaluation of Community Partner Engagement Programming.
CIHR Transition in Care Team Grant – A Comprehensive Transitional Care Program Delivered Through A Virtual Care Platform For Children and Adults Transitioning to Home Ventilation In Ontario: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Amin R., Rose L., Gershon, A., Pizzuti R., Bhatia S , Chiang J, Cornejo D., Palma K., Fraser I., Goldstein R., Leasa D., Lim A., McKay S., McKim D., Moretti M., Nonoyama M., Sidhu A., Tandon A., Toonders B., Workentin K.
CIHR Transition in Care Evaluation Grant- Service Design for Integrated Care: A Developmental Evaluation of the Neighbourhood Care Team Model in Toronto. Shaw J., Lockert S., Adams J., Anderson G., Baker R., Bhatia S., Bhattacharyya O., Feng P., Gordon D., McKay S., Nichol K., O’Campo P., Pitzul K., Pomedli S.
Canadian Frailty Network. Promoting Movement in Older Adults in the Community. Lui B., Feldman S., Holroyd-Leduc J., Holyoke P., McKay S., McNeil H., Ryan D., Sharon S.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Transitional Care Programs: Advancing Our Understanding of What Works. McGilton K., Robertson M., Bronskill S., Sidani S., Woodchis W., McElhaney J., McKay S., Puts M.
Toronto Central LHIN East Sub Region – Winter Surge: Maintaining Critical Capacity. Evaluation of Community Partner Engagement Programming.
HIROC Foundation Research Safety Grants: Improving Organizational Safety Culture. Creating a safe work environment for personal support workers caring for clients with cognitive impairment. Nichol K., McKay S., Ruco A., Edwards B., Morgan D., Holness L.
Toronto Central LHIN – Research & Innovation Grant. Promoting Innovation in Home and Community Care: A Research Program. Shaw J., Bhatia S., Martin D., McKay S., Nichol K., Anderson G., Bhattacharyya O., McGahan A., Baker R.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Project Grant. Developing evidence-based recommendations to prevent falls and improve safety during bathing transfers. Novak A., King E., McKay S., Wang R., Guay M., Mihailidis A.
Retired Teachers Federation of Ontario. Senior Friendly 7 Practice Toolkits for Personal Support Workers. Liu B., Ryan D., McKay S., Rahim A., Atungo S.
Bloorview Centre for Leadership. Long Term Ventilation Discharge Pathway: Evaluating the Perceptions of Family Caregivers on Skill Acquisition and Competency. Amin R., Chiang J., Dryden-Palmer K., Keilty K., Lindsay S., Hoffman A., Syed F., Polyviou J., Fellin ., Gnanasabesan C., Perkins S., McMackin S., McKay S., Dutta T.
Canadian Centre for Aging in Brain Health Innovation Spark Innovation Challenge. Virtual Calm, Using VR Videos to Reduce Dementia Distress. McKay S., Stoikopolous P., Chater C., Barrie G., Annett C., Nichol K.
Norman Saunders Complex Care Initiative Grant Competition. Paediatric Tracheostomy Care: An evaluation of an innovative competency-based education program for community health care providers. Amin R., Orkin J., Chu S., Walsh K., Keilty K., McKay S.
CIHR SPOR PIHCI Network – Knowledge Synthesis Grants. Identifying and Understanding the Health and Social Care Needs of Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions and their Caregivers: A Scoping Review. McGilton K., Puts M., Bergman H., Andrew M., Morgan D, Vedel I., Ayal A., Dube V., Marshall E., Ploeg J., Walker J., Wodchis W., McElhaney J., Sampali T., McKay S., Bell D., Sinha S., Fernie G., McNeil D., Grimes S., Beaudet L., Hale L.