Respite and Renew: Caregiver Support at VHA Home HealthCare
Being a caregiver to a loved one living with dementia or a chronic illness is a complex, full-time job. Caregivers often take on multiple physical, mental and emotional roles, usually with no training or support. In the process, they may neglect their own health and wellness.
Our expert care providers meet clients in their own homes and relieve caregivers of their duties while also engaging the person being cared for in a range of activities designed to improve well-being and spark joy. For a few hours, caregivers can prioritize their own physical and mental well-being—that might mean attending a medical appointment, meeting a friend for coffee, or relaxing in a quiet bath, knowing their loved one is involved in supportive activities with an experienced and compassionate professional.

The 12 weeks that I received respite through VHA's Respite and Renew service were a blessing for me. During that time, I could go out on my own to medical appointments and run errands. I even got to see a friend without worry. I couldn’t do that without this VHA service.
How we can help
- Enabling caregivers to focus on self-care
- Preventing caregiver burnout through in-home respite
- Supporting people living with dementia through individualized, in-home wellness programming
- Reducing caregiver isolation with connections to additional community supports
Program Variations and Eligibility
Funding may be available for this service depending on an individual’s situation, age and location.
VHA Respite and Renew: Caregiver Support in the news
Connect with our Responsive Community Care team today to learn how we can help you.