Restored Home: Extreme Cleaning

Restored Home: Extreme Cleaning

Restored Home: Extreme Cleaning at VHA Home HealthCare

For some people, physical or mental health challenges impair their ability to keep up with the basic housekeeping duties of their homes. When living conditions pose a risk to the health and housing stability of individuals and families, VHA can provide immediate, hands-on help.

Our team takes a compassionate care approach, engaging with clients throughout the process to ensure a safe, healthy living environment. We begin with an assessment, followed by a thorough clean of the home, using a trauma-informed approach to removing clutter and helping the client organize their belongings. Our follow-up support includes maintenance cleanings to help clients avoid relapse as well as referrals to connect them with other community services to support their long-term housing stability.

Restored Home Icon
Every time I speak with a client, I have the opportunity to help them make a positive change in their life. I feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing working with a client, knowing they are in a more comfortable and safe environment, or no longer at risk of eviction.
– Annette, Extreme Cleaner

How we can help

  • Decluttering, thoroughly cleaning and preparing living spaces for pest control services
  • Ensuring the home meets public health standards for clients who may be facing eviction
  • Improving home safety for clients returning home from a hospital stay
  • Following up with weekly maintenance when appropriate
  • Helping socially isolated individuals reconnect with family and community
  • Providing links and referrals to other community supports for long-term needs

Program Variations and Eligibility

We provide services in Region of Peel, Durham, Toronto, London, and York Region. Funding may be available for this service depending on an individual’s situation, age and location.

To learn more about other community support services and programs offered by VHA Home HealthCare, please visit our Responsive Community Care page.

Connect with our Responsive Community Care team today to learn how we can help you.

Call 416-489-2500, option 2